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The Beachwood Guide to Brewing Award-Winning Beers in New-to-You Styles | Video Course

Beachwood Brewing in Long Beach, California, has mastered a wide range of beer styles over the years and has the medals to prove it. In this video course, join brewmaster Julian Shrago as he charts the path from choosing an unfamiliar style of beer to brewing an example that can please the crowd and wow the judges.

Brewing Hazy IPA the Fidens Way | Video Course

Steve Parker, cofounder and head brewer of Fidens in Albany, New York, details their approach to building the kind of soft, juicy, impactful hazy IPAs that keep you going back for more.

Elevating International Lagers with pFriem | Brewing Course

Josh Pfriem, cofounder and brewmaster of Oregon’s pFriem Family Brewers, details the thinking and process behind the brewery’s delicate, award-winning lagers inspired by traditions in Mexico, Japan, and beyond.

Fun and Flavorful Pastry Stouts with Great Notion | Brewing Course

Lara Hargrave, lead brewer at Great Notion in Portland, Oregon, takes us on a journey through the production of big, whimsical, indulgent, nostalgia-inducing dessert-inspired stouts.

Video Course: Building Big Barrel-Aged Barleywines with New Image

From selecting malts with intention to deploying Madeira-inspired macro-oxidation, finishing on different woods, and blending to taste, New Image founder Brandon Capps outlines a technical approach to crafting characterful barrel-aged barleywines.

Video Course: Brewing Historically Inspired Smoked Beers with Our Mutual Friend

Jan Chodkowski, head brewer and co-owner of Denver’s Our Mutual Friend, outlines his approach to brewing historically inspired, highly drinkable, smoke-forward beers.

Video Course: Mastering Cold IPA

The brewer who invented and defined cold IPA—Kevin Davey of Heater Allen and Gold Dot Beer—shares the tips and techniques needed to brew one that shines.

Video Course: Fresh Approaches to Fresh-Hopped Beers with Single Hill

Join Single Hill cofounder and head brewer Zach Turner on an expedition to the Yakima Valley at harvest time to pick up the freshest hops, then take them back to the brewery and add them—in different forms and different ways—to beers brewed on the same day.

Video Course: Homebrewing with Cannabis

Ross Koenigs, founder and brewmaster at Second Dawn in Aurora, Colorado, explains the science and practicalities of making beer at home with hemp and marijuana.

Video Course: Lager Harder with Bierstadt Lagerhaus

The Bierstadt brewers are back, as Ashleigh Carter and Bill Eye share deeper insights and more on their technical approach to German-style lagers that beg to be enjoyed in quantity.